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Self storage Article


Published On: 17 August, 2018|4.3 min read|

How to Pack Your Self Storage Unit

When you put your items into self storage in Welshpool, it’s important to optimise your space and keep track of your belongings. While it may be faster and easier just to throw everything inside your storage unit, following a plan will make your life easier when it comes time to remove something. Here are six tips for packing your storage unit:

Label everything.

It’s unlikely that you’ll remember the contents of every box, so labelling everything is essential. Be as specific as possible with your labels, so you don’t have to check multiple boxes when you’re looking for one item. When you put the boxes into your storage unit, make sure the labels are easily visible.

Use same-size boxes.

If possible, use the same box size for all of your items. Organising the boxes will be much easier when they’re all the same size as you won’t be left with any gaps. You can also take advantage of the vertical space in your unit since you don’t have to worry about a lopsided pile of boxes tipping over.

Store Everything

Take apart your furniture.

In its assembled form, your furniture may take up too much space in your storage in Welshpool. If possible, disassemble your furniture to pack it more tightly in the unit and save space. If you can’t take apart an item, try to find the best placement to take up as little space as possible. You may be able to stand it up on its side or store it upside-down to create more room for your other belongings.

Utilise hollow spaces.

If you put a dresser, a refrigerator, or another furniture item with hollow spaces into your unit, you can fill them up with smaller items. This will help you save room and keep your unit organised. Don’t forget to label the furniture with what’s inside, though.

Make an aisle.

Eventually, you’ll need to access all of your items that are in self storage in Welshpool. If you can’t reach the back of your storage unit, you spend hours moving boxes and furniture to get to what you need. Even if you just leave a narrow aisle down the middle of your unit, it will be extremely helpful for accessing all of your belongings.

Keep a map or inventory list.

Writing down everything you put into storage may be time-consuming, but it will help you find items quickly and easily when the time comes. An inventory list can help you remember what items you’ve stored away, and a map can help you get to those items. Leave the list or the map taped to the door of your unit, so you’ll always know where everything is.

Storing Artwork

When you are storing your paintings or general art collection, special care must be taken to ensure preservation. If you are able to secure temperature controlled storage unit, that’s ideal, however, if this is not available finding a clean and dry storage unit will do the trick. The first step you should take before storing your artwork is archiving your collection. Take photos of all of the pieces and number the images, then you are able to write the number on each corresponding artwork to save time and confusion.

Vehicle Storage 

There are a number of things you should do to prepare your vehicle before you put it into storage. Try and find a storage facility with undercover unit options, especially if you are planning on storing your vehicle long term. Before you take it to the storage unit, it’s a good idea to get your car washed and consider giving the car a coat of wax to preserve the paint.

You will also need to change the oil in your car, particularly if you are thinking of storing it long term or more than 30 days, skipping this step could have serious consequences as used engine oil contains contaminants that damage the engine.

You will also need to put some extra fuel in the tank before you drop it off to your new self storage unit in Welshpool. If you are storing your car for longer than a month, moisture can accumulate in the fuel tank. To ensure the engine is kept in tip-top condition, purchase a fuel stabiliser which will protect the engine even further from varnish and rust for up to a year.

Finally, you should ensure that you don’t use the parking brake and purchase a tire stopper instead to prevent the brake pads from fusing together. Another issue that can occur are called ‘flat spots’ which is what happens when the tires are kept in the same spot for an extended period of time.

You should check that your tires are inflated to the correct air pressure and if you are planning to store your car for more than a few months you should consider removing the tires all together and keeping a car on a jack in order to prevent damage to the tyres.

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